How to celebrate the Fourth of July in Sioux Falls

Simplified: From parades to picnics to performances, there's no shortage of holiday activities in Sioux Falls this weekend. Here's a guide to what's happening (and a reminder of local rules).

What can I do this weekend to celebrate?

Sioux Falls will have its annual Fourth of July celebration and parade on Monday.

  • Festivities will begin Monday morning with the fun run and walk starting 8 a.m. at Falls Park. Registration is $5 and it's open to all ages. You can register here.
  • Head to the parade afterwards starting at 10 a.m. It will start at 13th and Phillips, but you can see the full map here. You can also register to decorate a bike for $5 and join the parade yourself. Details here.
  • The parade will end at Falls Park at 11 a.m. with a picnic and concert by the Sioux Falls Municipal Band. If you're one of the first 3,000 picnickers, you'll get a hot dog, chips and water to enjoy at the park.
  • Local band Mogen’s Heroes will perform at noon to wrap up the day. You can see the city's detailed list of the events here.
"It's just fun seeing organizations participate, elected officials participate, the public participate, and just making those connections and interactions with people," said Chad Quissell, Sioux Falls recreation program coordinator.

What are the rules around fireworks?

The big rule in Sioux Falls city limits is no fireworks with "audible report," said Sam Clemens, SFPD public information officer.

Sioux Falls Fire Rescue Battalion Chief Mike Top also said any firework that can self-launch, like spinners or zippers, are not allowed.

  • Sparklers, smoke bombs, snakes, and other quiet fireworks are fine within the city limits.

If you want to see a fireworks display, there will be permitted shows at the fairgrounds, Catfish Bay, and the Minnehaha Country Club.

“We know everybody likes to celebrate the fourth and have fireworks, but don't do that in Sioux falls," Clemens said. "If they do, there's the chance that they could receive a citation for that."

What are the rules around bonfires?

Recreational fires have to be at least 15 feet away from anything "combustable," like a fence, shed, garage or house according to Top. He said you can also only use firewood and charcoal to burn — no construction lumber or other materials.

  • Keep something nearby to put out the fire. A bucket of sand, a garden hose, or a fire extinguisher will do, Top said.
  • The fire also has to be under three feet in diameter and two feet high.
  • Propane fire pits or fire features are considered appliances Top said, so those can be used according to the manufacturer's rules and do not need to be over 15 feet from a structure.

Is there anything going on outside of Sioux Falls?

  • Lennox will have a three day festival and parade for the 4th, including street dancing, tractor pulls, car shows, live music, fireworks and more. Details here.
  • Harrisburg will have a fireworks display at 9:45 p.m. Details here.
  • Menno will have four days of events from Friday-Monday, with road races, bean bag tournaments and their own parade. Details here.

And how do we feel about fireworks after the 4th?

Listen. All good things must come to an end. Be kind to neighbors with dogs, little kids and early work days.