How WHS is helping kids with mental health, career planning – 24 minutes at a time

Simplified: Washington High School's counseling team has a new way to help students in the areas they need most in short, accessible, 24-minute seminars called "Warrior 24."  

Tell me more

Washington's counseling department, led by chair Travis Sieber, started Warrior 24 this year. New scheduling at the school opened up a segment of the day where all students have either lunch, study hall or a free period.

And it lined up with a good amount of time to capture a high schooler's attention span, Sieber added.

The 24 in the name represents the 24-minute sessions covering 24 topics over the course of 24 weeks.

Topics come from the result of a school-wide survey from the spring, in which students said some of their top needs were managing burnout, and college and career advice.

Why it matters

  • The Warrior 24 sessions are a way for students to get quick, practical tips for everything from managing anger to narrowing their focus in choosing a career.
  • The sessions are also a way for the counseling department to reach students and let them know about resources available to them.
  • Between 50 and 60 kids gather weekly, Sieber said, and for students like Destiny Taylor, the program is already making a difference.
"It's given me more thought on what I actually am meant for, what I'm good at and seeing what I can put my skills to," the 15-year-old sophomore said.

What does a typical Warrior 24 session look like?

Students gather in Washington's small theater room, some with a lunch tray or a bag of chips.

Counselors take turns leading the sessions. Last week, Sieber led a talk on how to narrow your career path, advising students to start by thinking about what they love, what they're good at and what their skills are.

There's also usually a giveaway – an extra incentive to get kids in the door. Sieber tossed a Washington High School hoodie to a student who correctly guessed the most in-demand job of 2021.

And when the bell rings 24 minutes later, the students filter out to their next class.

For Taylor, she's been left with tips to narrow her career search, which helped her recognize that she wants to work in a hospital, likely with babies.

What happens next?

It's still too new of a program to have much of a track record, Sieber admits, but he said after sessions he does see an uptick of students coming to check out what services the counseling department can offer.

He knows they're still not reaching everyone, though, and he hopes to see it grow.

But he sees some of the same kids week after week, which indicates the program is working.

"It's landing with teenagers," Sieber said. "We're getting good responses from them."