New food truck brings fresh-roasted coffee to Lennox

This is a paid piece from the Sioux Metro Growth Alliance.

Simplified: Two brothers are bringing fresh-roasted coffee and breakfast foods to Lennox with a new food truck, Maple Drip.

Why it matters

  • It's uncommon to see a coffee shop owner roast their own beans in a town the size of Lennox, said Ryan Solberg, economic development specialist with the Sioux Metro Growth Alliance.
  • Jarren Saxon – who founded the business with his brother Devin Saxon – decided to move back to his home state of South Dakota earlier this year, leaving a job in Reno, Nevada working as a third-party provider for Tesla.
  • Maple Drip was inspired by a coffee food truck in Reno, Jarren Saxon said, and he got to know the owners, who helped plant the seeds of his eventual business. And while his brother isn't a coffee drinker, he had the food industry background to be the perfect partner
"There's a bunch of moving parts that fell right into place, perfectly," Jarren Saxon said.

What's on the menu?

Coffee, obviously.

There's also a variety of espresso drinks including lattes and americanos.

Maple Drip also has some breakfast items, including some bakery items and Devin Saxon's maple smoked pork in the signature breakfast sandwich.

Jarren Saxon said the plan is expand the available bakery items after Thanksgiving, as well as adding tea options.

"My brother's got a really awesome food menu," he said. "We're looking to branch out into some brunch stuff when we can get some workforce."

What's the community response been?

Maple Drip opened less than two weeks ago, and the early response has been great, Jarren Saxon said.

"It's all credit to the community," he said. "They needed a coffee shop for awhile, apparently, and we brought one to them. And they're giving us all the support they can."

How to find Maple Drip

The food truck is located at 608 South Main Street in Lennox, and it's open 5:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday.