- Bye bye, Brockhouse. A city work group tasked with determining the future of the Brockhouse collection of taxidermy this week voted unanimously to recommend that the city gift the collection out-of-state. If the City Council ultimately approves the resolution during a meeting next month, the majority of the collection β 117 specimen β will go to the University of Notre Dame. An additional 33 specimen will go to the Oddities Museum in Atlanta, Georgia, and two specimen would go to the Institute of Natural History Arts. More background here.
- Chat with a councilor. Two Sioux Falls City Council members will be available to grab coffee and chat with the general public. You can see Councilors Jennifer Sigette and Ryan Spellerberg from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Saturday at the Prairie West Library.
- Meow-velous news. The Sioux Empire TNR Coalition received a $9,300 grant from a New Jersey nonprofit called Mission Meow. The funds will support the purchase of essential equipment for the organization's TNR (Trap/Neuter/Return) program to manage cat overpopulation. Learn more about the organization here.
- Get flood insurance. Sioux Falls residents can get a 15% discount on flood insurance premium rates, thanks to the city's participation in the National Flood Insurance Programβs Community Rating System. Sioux Falls is rated as a Class 7, which allows for the discount, and the city is on track to be upgraded to Class 6 as early as next year, which would bring along a 20% discount. Learn more here.
Super Simplified Stories: Jan. 17, 2025
Bye bye, Brockhouse taxidermy collection; and good news for the local cat population.

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