- Eat sandwiches. Burger month is over. We're doing sandwiches now. The second annual Southside Slamwich is on with some sandwiches that give the unhinged-ness of the downtown burger battle a run for its money. Check out the competitors here.
- Catch some local music. Orion Pub is hosting original, local music from Thought Patrol and Elsa Rae with special guest Jon Bakken. The show starts at 7 p.m. Friday, and there's a $5 cover. More details here.
- Party for pups. Sioux Empire Pit Rescue is hosting its annual "Corks and Collars" event Saturday night with a Casino Royale theme. Snag your tickets here.
- Catch some local theater. Good Night Theatre Collective is presenting "The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee," a musical comedy about grade schoolers taking on the ultimate spelling test. Shows run Thursday through Saturday, and you can get your S-E-A-T-S here.
- Hang out with raptors. The Outdoor Campus is hosting a "Raptor Rendezvous" event Friday evening where you can see live birds in a presentation by Tanya McCarlson, a South Dakota licensed Falconer and leader of the F.A.R.E. Group. Register here.
- Get a little hair of the dog. Sample an unlimited amount of bloody marys on Saturday at Bloody Mary Fest at the Washington Pavilion. Tickets are available for both the 10 a.m. event and the afternoon round at 1:30 p.m. More details here.
Stuff to do: Feb. 5-11
Sandwiches, falcons, spelling bees and more.

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