Simplified: The City of Sioux Falls' Downtown 2035 plan would bring expanded boundaries, year-round activity, better walkability and clear "brand identity" to the city's core. Here's a look at some of the specific goals outlined for the next decade.

Why it matters

  • Downtown Sioux Falls has seen tremendous change in the last decade, with lots of new apartments, retail and office space, and cultural additions like Levitt at the Falls or the Arc of Dreams.
  • This 10-year plan is looking to capitalize on the existing momentum downtown, Community Development Coordinator Dustin Powers said. That momentum includes more than $500 million in investments between projects like the Steel District, river greenway, Jacobson Plaza and the expansion at Cherapa.
  • The plan also includes a 50-page market analysis compiled by Leland Consulting Group. The analysis projects what downtown will need to meet growing demands for housing, offices and retail space.
"By 2035, downtown Sioux Falls will transform into a world-class urban environment where people from all walks of life are invited to not only live, work and play, but to dream and thrive," the vision statement of the new plan reads.

Tell me more about the goals of the plan

There's a lot in here, naturally. These goals – if approved by City Council – will help shape decision-making downtown for the next decade.

The plan is divided into six core values, each of which has a set of goals and potential action items.

  • In addition to those six goals, the plan also recommends the city consider expanding the boundaries of downtown, though it notes any specific redrawing of boundaries would require more study.

Here's a look at some specific goals

The first core value outlined in the plan is "welcoming for all."

  • Goals in this section focus on making downtown a year-round destination with things like adding a centrally located visitors center, developing a multi-purpose recreational facility or entertainment venue and creating a year-round public market.
  • This section also focuses on safety and continued partnerships to "mitigate issues related to homelessness" downtown.

The "connected" value of the plan emphasizes improving walkability, bikeability and improving wayfinding so visitors can easily navigate downtown.

The "growth and development" value focuses on redeveloping under-utilized areas of downtown including the unfinished parking ramp on 10th Street, the railyard property and the potential Riverline District.  

Other values of the plan include "community spirit" and "branding, identity and marketing."

  • These sections outline goals to promote the arts, share the history of downtown and expand cultural programming.
  • One goal with branding is to identify specific "districts" within downtown – i.e. uptown, Riverline, etc. Another branding goal is to create a brand identity that's consistent across the city, DTSF, Inc. and Experience Sioux Falls.

The final goal of "quality and design" focuses on enhancing streetscapes, looking at city design standards and zoning ordinances and promoting what the plan calls "innovative and sustainable parking practices."

What happens next?

The city is seeking public input on the plan. You can share your thoughts here.

There will also be a public open house to discuss the plan from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. on August 10 at the downtown library.

Once all of that feedback is received, the plan will undergo any final edits before being presented to the city planning commission and ultimately heading to City Council for final approval.